Wednesday 6 January 2010

What Happened to Global Warming?

Almost the same title as a year ago! This time, Britain is in the grip of the most prolonged cold spell since 1981 and it set me to thinking. If we can't cope with a little bit of snow and frost how the heck are we going to stop global warming? Mankind is puny compared to the power displayed by nature and it is the height of folly to believe that we can actually prevent the climate from changing (no matter the cause!). All we can do is plan how we are going to survive it!

Your Wednesday questions are: -
  1. Which French freedom fighter is believed to have been born today in 1412?

  2. Actor Rowan Atkinson (right) was born today in 1955 and played the owner of Spooky Island in which 2002 film?

  3. Who was crowned King of England today in 1066?
Yesterday's Answers: 1. Wilhelm Roentgen; 2. "Stargate: Atlantis"; 3. Cambodia

My book
"The Easy Quiz Master"

is available NOW from Amazon and Lulu.

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