Tuesday 12 January 2010

BlogDumps Top Sites Tuesday #42

"Two Thoughts on a Tuesday" is the theme again this week. My thoughts concern the so-called "Nanny State". As I wrote a couple of days ago, many UK sporting fixtures were called off this weekend because of the state of the surrounding areas, not the condition of the pitches - "Nanny State"? On a different subject - I like a drink and have been pleasantly surprised/pleased by the relaxation of the UK Licensing Laws over the past few years, but look at this article and you'll see that it hasn't necessarily been a good thing! Maybe "Nanny does know best" after all!! I used to think that over the years, as the population becomes better educated, there should be less need for the state to intervene on things like drugs, alcohol, safety, diet, smoking, gambling...but it would appear that I might have been wrong!!

Your Tuesday questions are: -
  1. Dr James Bedford became the first person to be preserved by what method today in 1967?

  2. French mathematician Pierre de Fermat (right) died today in 1665. In what year was Fermat's Last Theorem finally solved?

  3. Which shock jock radio presenter was born today in 1954 in New York?
Yesterday's Answers: 1. Open University; 2. Thailand; 3. Arthur Scargill

My book
"The Easy Quiz Master"

is available NOW from Amazon and Lulu.

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Anonymous said...

Your questions are hard as hell. I have yet to make correct answers. But I will continue to try ;-)

PetesQuiz said...

Hopefully, when you don't know the answer, the subject might be interesting enough to look it up and maybe find something that you didn't know before. Doesn't always happen, but my aim is for people to go away and say, "Well, I never knew that!!"

AngelBaby said...

Hi Pete just dropped by to click on your button. I have to run children to school then I am off to work.

Here's your click ......

Love and Blessings,

Trina said...

GOSH! I almost felt guilty about the bottle of Cabernet Franc I popped last night (well, almost) The report would probably be the same for the US too... I've noticed that drinking is much more sociably acceptable and socially expected - there goes all our livers!

1)Guess- Cryo Answer- Cryonic Suspension ... I was right!

2)Guess- No Clue, maybe after he died Answer- It was not proved until 1994, using techniques unavailable to Fermat. What an amazingly smart guy!

3)Guess- Howard Stern Answer- Howard Stern (and Rush Limbaugh shares this Birthday!)

Happy Tuesday!

PetesQuiz said...

Hi Trina,

I'm sure you are a responsible drinker (just like me!!) I suspect it isn't such a problem in the US as your rules prohibit drinking until you're 21; here it's 18. And the question we all avoid is, "Would it be better if alcohol was banned [tried and failed] or would it be better if drugs were legal as some of them are actually less damaging than alcohol?" My head hurts thinking about the options - pass me a drink!!

Liggy said...

Hmm...you know, sometimes more education means more "arguments" against everything. It really all boils down to the individual making the right choice. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Pete!

Anonymous said...

Quiz: 1. Cryonic Suspension
2. 1995
3. Howard Stern

I find as I get older, I become more of a libertarian and like the Nanny State less. Unfortunately, that seems to be the way we're headed here, too.

Here's your click ...

Bud aka Older Eyes

Wolfbernz said...

It is a shame that some abuse alcohol and it become a life threatening situation.
A glass of wine a day doesn't hurt but we all make choices that affect our lives.