Friday 22 January 2010

Record University Intake

The 2009 University intake was almost half a million new students. Let's assume that in 3 - 4 years time there will be 400,000 new graduates looking for jobs. Do we really need that many more graduates? When I was a lad, graduates could expect a higher wage than non-graduates because we were a rarity (not necessarily any better than those people who'd left school and been working for a few years by the time we graduated). Now, jobs that would have been filled by school-leavers in the 'old days' are now being taken by graduates, This has a twofold knock on effect; firstly, being a graduate doesn't necessarily mean getting anything other than a low paid job; secondly, all the school leavers are now even further back in the jobs queue. It doesn't quite make sense to me!!

Your Friday questions are: -
  1. Who became king today in 1901?

  2. Actor John Hurt (right) was born today in 1940 and played which real life character in the 2009 TV biopic "An Englishman in New York"?

  3. Which vaccine was declared safe by the British Government today in 2001?
Yesterday's Answers: 1. Emma Bunton; 2. Golden Bear; 3. USS Nautilus

My book
"The Easy Quiz Master"

is available NOW from Amazon and Lulu.

1 comment:

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