Saturday 30 January 2010

Tony Blair on Iraq

Tony Blair's appearance before the Chilcot Enquiry had been anticipated by many people hoping it would turn out that he'd lied to get backing for Britain's invasion of Iraq alongside the Americans! Unfortunately for them this was a forlorn hope. Personally, I was against the invasion at the time and I still believe that it was a mistake...but that's easy for me to say as I didn't have the final decision to make! Tony Blair has again defended his actions and decisions, and it doesn't look like he did anything illegal. Sure, there was probably a bit of bias in the presentation of the case for war, but as the saying goes, "truth is the first casualty of war". So however much we may disagree with his decision, it was his to make and he made it...that's what leaders do (I don't think its a decision I could make!) and that's why we elect them (or kick them out if it goes wrong!)!

Your Saturday questions are: -
  1. Who was born today in 1882 and is the only US President to serve more than two terms in office?

  2. Gene Hackman (right) was born today in 1930 and won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his role in which 1992 film?

  3. Which drummer, singer and occasional actor was born today in 1951 in Chiswick?
Yesterday's Answers: 1. George W Bush; 2. "Magnum P.I."; 3. Petrol Powered Car

My book
"The Easy Quiz Master"

is available NOW from Amazon and Lulu.

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