Monday 25 January 2010

Great Footballers Born Today

Today is the birthday of Portuguese great Eusébio (1942), Brazilian World Cup Winner Tostão (1947) and current Brazilian forward Robinho (1984). Not a bad forward line!!

Your Monday questions are: -
  1. Who was born today in 1882 and wrote the novels "Mrs Dalloway" and "To the Lighthouse"?

  2. Corazon Aquino (right) was born today in 1933 and was President of which Asian country from 1986 to 1992?

  3. Which awards were first presented at the Hollywood Athletic Club today in 1949?
Yesterday's Answers: 1. Sir Winston Churchill; 2. "The O.C."; 3. "The Naked Ape"

My book
"The Easy Quiz Master"

is available NOW from Amazon and Lulu.

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