Saturday 24 October 2009

UK Recession Worst Since Records Began

It's official, this is the longest recession since records began in 1955! This is the sixth consecutive quarter that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has fallen. Everyone is saying that next quarter will be better, but these are the same people that were expecting the latest results to be positive! Oh well, it looks like I'll still be struggling to find gainful employment for some time to come! Still, best to look on the bright side - we could all be 'doomed' if Dalton Chiscolm wins his claim against Bank of America for $1784 trillion billion (that's $1,784,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or, in layman's terms, 'slightly' more money than there is in the world!). I'm composing my begging letter now!

Your Saturday questions are: -
  1. Which was the first non-US baseball team to win the World Series today in 1992?

  2. Which children's poem was written by Sarah Josepha Hale (right) who was born today in 1788?

  3. Who was born today in 1939 and won the Best Actor Oscar for his performance in the 1984 film "Amadeus"?
Yesterday's Answers: 1. Spain; 2. "Brokeback Mountain"; 3. Pele

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