Saturday 3 April 2010

Onwards to Stratford-upon-Avon

Today we'll be lunching in Wilmcote (home of Mary Arden's House), probably in The Mason's Arms, but possibly in the Mary Arden Hotel. Then we'll be tackling the Wilmcote flight of eleven locks as we continue out descent to Stratford. Maybe you'll find the good ship Emma Jane in Bancroft Basin...or maybe it'll be full and we'll be moored somewhere else!

Your Saturday questions are: -

  1. Which American outlaw was shot and killed by Robert Ford today in 1882?

  2. Actor David Hyde-Pierce (right) was born today in 1959 and played which character in the long-running sitcom "Frasier"?

  3. Which former German Chancellor was born in Ludwigshafen today in 1930?
Yesterday's Answers: 1. Falklands (Malvinas); 2. Australia; 3. London

My book "The Easy Quiz Master"
is available NOW from Amazon and Lulu.

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