Friday 23 April 2010

Burned Toast Closes Tube Station!

This story is, on the one hand, amusing...but also quite serious. Staff at King's Cross Underground station were responsible for getting the station closed down, TWICE, by the fire brigade when they burned their toast! Amusing...until you remember that 31 people died in a fire at King's Cross in 1987. Once I can accept, but twice demonstrates a certain amount of stupidity! It reminds me of the time, I was working in a paint factory, when the steam from a kettle set off the fire alarms! After that we all had to have automatic kettles to make our tea and coffee!

Your St George's Day questions are: -
  1. Who was crowned King of England, Scotland and Ireland today in 1661 at Westminster Abbey?

  2. Buster Crabbe (right) died today in 1983. Which one of these heroes did he not play on film or TV - Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, Superman or Tarzan?

  3. In which US State is the Conch Republic that declared (tongue-in-cheek) independence today in 1982?

Yesterday's Answers: 1. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin; 2. "Bionic Woman"; 3. Glen Campbell

My book "The Easy Quiz Master"
is available NOW from Amazon and Lulu.

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