Sunday 15 November 2009

Water Found on the Moon

The NASA mission last month to crash a rocket and a probe into a lunar crater has revealed significant quantities of water on the moon. At the time, the plume of dust that was generated seemed to be much less than expected, but analysis of the data has shown that there is a good deal of water present!

Your Sunday questions are: -
  1. In which country did the first meeting of the League of Nations take place today in 1920?

  2. Anna-Frid Lyngstad (right) was born today in 1945 in Norway and was a member of which chart-topping pop group?

  3. What was the nickname of German General Erwin Rommel who was born today in 1891?
Yesterday's Answers: 1. Princess Anne; 2. Less Than (72 days, 6 hours, 11 minutes, 14 seconds); 3. Condoleezza Rice

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