Thursday 19 November 2009

Flood Warnings for Parts of UK

It looks as though a rain bearing depression will deposit lots of water (up to 8 inches in extreme cases) on parts of Wales, Scotland and North-West England around Cumbria and the Lake District today and Friday. This will lead to some serious flooding it is predicted. Guess where I'm headed for the weekend - yes, the North-West! We won't be in the worst of it (hopefully) in Lancaster...and it's usually dry in the pub (just so long as we can get to it!!) Should be a fun weekend, whatever the weather!

Your Thursday questions are: -
  1. What was first held in Britain today in 1994?

  2. Which famous speech was delivered by Abraham Lincoln (right) today in 1863?

  3. Which American pop singer married music marketer today in 2005?
Yesterday's Answers: 1. First Battle of the Somme; 2. Anita Dobson; 3. Alan Shepard

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