Wednesday 4 November 2009

Mass Extinction Underway

A major international survey of global biodiversity has shown that about ONE THIRD of all known species on Earth are under threat of extinction! On initial analysis it looks bad and maybe we should do something about it...or maybe we're the cause. BUT, this wouldn't be the first major extinction event in Earth's history! No, the fossil record is littered with mass extinctions - 65 million years ago the dinosaurs were wiped out (along with 75% of all species); 250 million years ago 95% of all marine species and 70% of land based species disappeared; 450 million years ago was the second largest mass extinction. What have these events got in common? Firstly, man wasn't around, so wasn't responsible. Secondly, life bounced back after each event as strong as ever - in fact we probably wouldn't be here if the dinosaurs hadn't died out! So, I say, let nature take it's course, there's nothing we can do to stop it - where's King Canute when you need him?

Your Wednesday questions are: -
  1. The tomb of which Pharaoh was discovered by Howard Carter today in 1922?

  2. Actress Loretta Swit (right) was born today in 1937 and played which character in the TV series "M*A*S*H"?

  3. Name the Israeli Prime Minister who was assassinated today in 1995?
Yesterday's Answers: 1. Adidas; 2. Venus and Mercury; 3. Swedish

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