Monday 23 November 2009


Ever since I began blogging, the quest has been to gain as many readers as possible...and for them to find it interesting and worthwhile revisiting as often as possible. One of the invaluable tools for achieving this is BlogSurfer. I have subscribed to this so I don't have to keep adding my site and this has generated significant traffic to my blog. I'd advise anyone with a blog to have a go and get more readers for your musings!

Your Monday questions are: -
  1. Who was executed today in 1499 as a pretender to the English throne?

  2. Who was born today in 1992 and starred in the title role of the TV series "Hannah Montana"?

  3. What radioactive substance was used to kill former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko who died today in 2006?
Yesterday's Answers: 1. France; 2. USA; 3. Lyndon B Johnson

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