Sunday 16 August 2009

Fame At Last!!

When I started this blog in December last year I didn't really know what I was doing, other than, hopefully, amusing people and stretching their brains a bit! To be honest I'm still not 100% sure what I'm doing, but along the way I've tried various ploys and strategies to get my trivia to a wider audience. One such idea was to get listed on BlogDumps (great name) run by WolfBernz. I'm sure that I've acquired more hits from other sites, but none with the quality of readership that come through BlogDumps. This week I was the Top Site on Tuesday and I'd just like to thank everyone who voted and visited, the nice people at BlogDumps, my Mum & Dad and.....sorry started on an Oscar style blub!! Cheers!

Your Sunday posers are: -
  1. In which British city was the Peterloo Massacre that took place today in 1819?

  2. Who married Madonna (right) on her 27th birthday today in 1985?

  3. Which baseball team has featured most times on the cover of Sports Illustrated that was first published today in 1954?
Yesterday's Answers: 1. USS Missouri; 2. Ajaccio; 3. Copenhagen


AngelBaby said...

Congratulations Pete and a great speech too. You did forget your publisher and you puppy dog! LOL!

I don't know the answers to these but it was fun to check them out and no I did not Google them like wolfbernz does. He's such a cheater ..... cheater .... cheater! LOL!

Have a great day!

Love and Blessings,

PetesQuiz said...

Thanks Angel. I don't mind if you Google them (after a suitable pause for thinking!), because I like to entertain and educate (stolen from the BBC's motto!!)
