Saturday 1 May 2010

Expo 2010 Opens in Shanghai

I thought that the time of the Expo or World Fair had passed, but seemingly not! The last one I remember happening was Expo 67 in Canada! Now I discover that they've been going on regularly ever since with Expo 2010 opening in Shanghai! What is interesting is the shift in locations - in the 1800's they were mainly in Europe, then in the 1900's more and more were held in the USA and now we're in the 2000's the trend is over to Asia. As an indicator of the shifting economic power distribution in the world, this list works very well!

Your Saturday questions are:-
  1. How many countries joined the European Union today in 2004?

  2. Actress Joanna Lumley (right) was born today in 1946 and played which character in the TV series "The New Avengers"?

  3. Who composed the music for the opera "The Marriage of Figaro" that was first performed in Vienna today in 1786?
Yesterday's Answers: 1. Bill Clinton; 2. Leslie Grantham; 3. France

My book "The Easy Quiz Master"
is available NOW from Amazon and Lulu.

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