Friday 19 June 2009

Latest Climate Change Predictions

Where to start?!? If Swine Flu doesn't get me Climate Change might...or I might just die peacefully in my sleep! Environment Secretary Hilary Benn announced that the UK needs to plan now for a future that will be hotter and bring greater extremes of flood and drought. This is based on the latest computer models presented in the UK Climate Projections 2009 report (UKCP09). I'm yet to be convinced that these models can accurately predict the future, especially when similarly sophisticated computers can't predict the weather more than 4 DAYS ahead!

Friday's questions
: -
  1. Kuwait declared independence from which country today in 1961?

  2. In which city was Mayor of London, Boris Johnson (right), born today in 1964?

  3. Which country defeated Hungary 4 - 2 in Paris today in 1938 to win the FIFA World Cup for the second time?
Yesterday's Answers: 1. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg; 2. Attempting to Vote in the 1872 Presidential Election; 3. Bobbitt

1 comment:

Targenor said...

1 Great Britain

2 New York

3 Italy