Thursday 18 June 2009

Birmingham Cannot Contain Swine Flu

Health officials in Birmingham say the spread of swine flu in the city can no longer be contained. More than half of the cases of Swine Flu in the UK are found in the West Midlands. Am I worried? Not really (he says whilst touching wood!!) as I've never had flu! That has probably doomed me...but never mind!

Thursday's posers
: -
  1. Which notorious American spies were married today in 1939 and executed tomorrow in 1953?

  2. Susan B Anthony (right) was fined $100 today in 1873 for what offence?

  3. Today in 1989 Lorena married John Wayne, what was their surname?
Yesterday's Answers: 1. Denmark; 2. Twice (out of 7 meetings); 3. California


maat45 said...

1) The Rosenbergs

2) Voting illegally (women didn't have the right to vote yet)

3) Bobbitt??

PetesQuiz said...

You are good!! Find out tomorrow if you're right!!