Tuesday 30 June 2009

Bernard Madoff Gets 150 Years

The Madoff fraud of $65 BILLION has been punished with a suitably large sentence which will hopefully bring some small comfort to the victims. However, I'm mystified as to why people would put their life savings in one place - surely Bernard Madoff was only exploiting the greed of his victims - there must have been safer places for their money (albeit with smaller returns, but a return nevertheless!) The other thing I've learned is that his fraud has a name - a Ponzi Scheme. Surely, if the authorities know about these schemes, why aren't they prohibited and policed?

Your Tuesday teasers are: -
  1. The Democratic Republic of Congo gained independence from which European country today in 1960?

  2. What was the maiden name of singer and "X-Factor" judge Cheryl Cole (right) who was born today in 1983?

  3. Which UK airport was attacked by terrorists in a Jeep Cherokee today in 2007?
Yesterday's Answers: 1. The Globe; 2. Darts; 3. Jayne Mansfield

Come Join Top Sites Tuesday and be #1 on BlogDumps!
The purpose of this Meme is to encourage
Networking between bloggers to have fun while doing it!
Make sure to visit all the other participants and leave comments


AngelBaby said...

I never have the answers to you questions but I do like what you had to say about the Ponzi Scheme. There are laws against it, that is why he is going to jail for this life and his next one too.

Here's your click .....

Love and Blessings,

Trina said...

I am totally cheating this week!
1) Belgium
2) Tweedy
3) Glasgow

Even though I cheated, they were fun looking up! LOL

Happy Thursday!

Wolfbernz said...

I remember this one! Ha ha Trina...

Glasgow airport!

But you got me on the others!


Mine is up on Wrongblog this week!

PetesQuiz said...

Thanks for your visits - I'll try and reciprocate soon (not allowed internet access at work - I'm marking exam papers for 2 - 3 weeks!) so I'm a bit pushed for time.

Trina, I don't mind you looking up the answers as long as you have fun (and maybe find out something interesting you didn't know before!)

Thanks again all,