Friday 19 December 2008

Watergate Scandal - Deep Throat dies at 95

It makes you wonder, what would the world have been like if there had been no Watergate Scandal? What if Nixon had continued to the end of his second term - would Jimmy Carter have been the next President? Who knows, but if it hadn't been for 'Deep Throat' we could be living in a very different world today.

So, onto today's teasers: -
  1. What was the nickname of French singer Edith Piaf who was born today in 1915?
  2. Which “Top Gear” presenter was born today in 1969 in Birmingham?
  3. Which novel was first published today in 1843?

Yesterday's Answers: 1. Arantxa Sanchez Vicario; 2. "Brief Encounter"; 3. 39 mph (actually 39.245 mph/63.159 km/h)

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