Sunday 28 December 2008

Israel, Palestine, The Gaza Strip - When Will They Learn??

Again the level of violence escalates in the Middle East. Yet again, Hamas attacks Israel with rockets and Israel responds by bombing Gaza. People die and the peace process goes back several years.

I don't understand why neither side can see - bombing your enemies DOESN'T WORK! Germany bombing Britain in WWII only made our resolve greater; the Allies bombing Germany didn't destroy their morale, it strenghthened their resolve as well! A succession of terrorist organisations have discovered that by attacking the civilian population only makes them less popular and sets their cause back. No one wins when the bombs start flying - why can't these people realise this?

Today's questions are: -

  1. The bridge over which Scottish river collapsed today in 1879 resulting in 75 deaths?
  2. Who was born today in 1934 and plays Prof. Minerva MacGonnagall in the “Harry Potter” films?
  3. Which pianist (see picture) was born Phillippe Pagès in Paris today in 1953?

Yesterday's Answers: 1. Simon LeBon; 2. Indonesia; 3. Benazir Bhutto

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