Wednesday 24 December 2008

Is The Pope Gay?

Who would have thought it - controversy at the Bull's Head Christmas Quiz? Not in the questions themselves, but in the giving of a prize to the most amusing (in my opinion) team name.
The pub was packed and 25 teams entered the quiz - thank goodness the pub was open till midnight! Anyway, there weren't quite so many good team names tonight, but "Ken Dodd's Dad's Dog's Dead" is always a favourite, but not to be spoken quickly! "Nora Batty's Love Children" was also good, but I chose "We Think the Pope is Gay" as the winner, which I thought was apt following Benedict XVI's comments reported in the news (click on today's title for link).
Unfortunately for me, a devout Catholic (who'd had a few to drink!) was very offended and told me so, quite loudly and repeatedly. He was the only one, but it is a lesson to be considered in my line of work - you can offend people easily by being a bit thoughtless. Still, no harm done (and no bolt of lightning!!).
On to the teasers for today: -
  1. Who was found alive in Australia today in 1974 after faking his death in Florida?
  2. Howard Hughes, who was born today in 1905, was the subject of which 2004 film starring Leonardo DiCaprio?
  3. Which actress, who was born today in 1922, dated Howard Hughes and was played by Kate Beckinsale in the 2004 film (above)?
  4. Hamid Karzai, who was born today in 1957, is the President of which Asian country?
Yesterday's Answers: 1. Nicaragua; 2. Coelacanth; 3. Carla Bruni

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