Saturday 7 March 2009

David Beckham

David Beckham has taken a pay cut to ensure that he can stay at AC Milan. This is a remarkable move by a top-class sportsman and it just goes to show that they don't just play for the money. A chance to become 'immortal' by winning the World Cup is worth more than a few quid (OK, so it's a few MILLION quid!!).

Also today, Sir Jackie Stewart has waived his fee for the next year in his role as sporting ambassador for RBS. A fine gesture...we're all now waiting for Sir Fred Goodwin to make a similar move! Nope, I don't expect it either!!

Saturday's teasers are: -

  1. Nicknamed ‘Master Blaster’, which cricketer was born today in 1952 in Antigua?
  2. Rachel Weisz (right) was born today in 1970 and won the Best Supporting Actress Oscar and Golden Globe for her role in which 2005 film?
  3. What was the surname of Scottish folk hero and outlaw Rob Roy who was born today in 1671?
Yesterday's Answers: 1. Giuseppe Verdi; 2. "Jonathan Creek"; 3. High Jump

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